Friday Fave: Women in Business #IWD19

Today is International Women’s Day and there are so many ways to celebrate, recognise and take action towards women in the workplace, women in tech etc etc. I found this article a reminder of how openly women will share their experience with others. There’s a response from Jennifer Moss to the question: “What stereotypes/assumptions of women in business would you like to see broken?” – 

That women stop needing to hedge their language so people won’t assume they are “bossy”. 

This is a telling statement that reveals an unhealthy dose of unconscious bias. The fact that women are editing their behaviour to fit into workplaces acceptable norms of behaviour, reeks of a control system that needs a reboot.

I know Nat, our sadly missed colleague, would have written a post about women in academia, or women in technology so I have intentionally not selected those topics today. But I know she would have appreciated the comments from these women.

I dedicate this post to Nat and all the women who have inspired others, and who are no longer here but continue to inspire.


This post is part of a weekly Friday Faves series contributed by the team at Ripple Effect Group. Read the entire series and collections from other team members here.